With the increased emphasis on building a digital economy for Singapore’s future, SCGS aims to develop our kim geks to be future ready learners and responsible digital citizens.
Through ICT-enabled teaching, various enrichment programmes and Infocomm CCAs, our staff and kim geks will become informed and adept users of ICT in a modern, digital and global changing environment.
We are consistently building an environment and provide support that effectively facilitates ICT-enabled teaching and quality learning. Students undergo quality classroom lesson time that incorporates effective ICT-enabled pedagogical delivery and engagement. All these are aligned with the 4th Masterplan for ICT education.
Programme :
ICT Baseline Skills
Students will be equipped with ICT baseline skills at the end of Primary Education to support them in learning and preparing them for future needs. The ICT baseline skills are designed in alignment with the MOE-prescribed Baseline ICT Standards. These skills represent the basic level of knowledge, skills and values that pupils need in order to fully benefit from a curriculum enriched with ICT, and eventually, thrive in a technology-driven society.
Enrichment Programmes
As Singapore gears up to be the world’s first Smart Nation, our students, being the future of Singapore, need to keep abreast with the technologies. They should not be passive recipients of technologies, but active contributors of the future. Code for Fun Enrichment programme is planned for students to increase their exposure to coding and computational thinking. The programmes turn code into kids’ play through the use of simple logical reasoning and animation. Through these activities, students not only develop problem-solving skills and creative thinking skills but also develop other 21st Century competencies so as to prepare them for the future.
Professional Development for Teachers
New technologies offer to education staff a wide new range of possibilities and tools, especially with the challenges faced this year with the Covid-19 situation. Schools have shifted part of their teaching and learning activities online due to school closures, forcing a change from face-to face mode of schooling to online home-based learning (HBL).
The period of online HBL presented teachers with different challenges and opportunities to explore new modalities in pedagogy. The experimentations and innovations that took place during this period are important. Teachers are expected to design learning experiences with technology to engage students meaningfully.
Technology familiarisation sessions were conducted for teachers who needed instructions on how to use online applications for HBL. Platforms such as Contact time, PD days are created for teachers ti share lesson ideas and resources. ICT champs also created online resources to be uploaded onto an ICT website used in school for teachers to do asynchronous training. Just-in-time professional learning sessions were also conducted to update teachers about the latest technological tools.
Continuous teacher professional development is necessary to keep our teachers up-to-date with the technological know-how. Professional learning communities provide possible platforms for teachers to engage in effective, continuous professional learning because it embodies substantive features of effective professional learning which focus on continuity and sustenance (Hairon, 2020).